Contact Us

Communicate with SECC

If you need assistance on inquiries about our services, event information, employment opportunities, or other issues, do not waste your time for directionless searching, contact SECC now for the most accurate information and fastest response time!

All inquiries will be sent to our main office email, then forwarded to the appropriate person for answering your question.

If you have an inquiry that needs an immediate response, please call the main office at (84-28) 5413 5999.

Get ready for a show

By taking part in an event, you will have an opportunity to extend your network, find a new business partner, and showcase your products/services.

Understanding the demand of our dearest customers, SECC provides an effortless registration experience that makes your visit more comfortable and efficient.

Please select what you are going to do next:

Booth Reservation     |     Business Matching

Explore the venue

You are more than welcome to visit our home - SECC. In order to deliver the best-oriented journey, we encourage you to schedule a virtual appointment at least two weeks in advance.

All group/individual tours bookings will be sent to our tour arrangement email at and will be confirmed within 2-3 working days.

In the circumstance of we have not responded to you within that time, please contact our Group Tour Coordinator at (84-28) 5413 5999.

Accommodate your event

Public to private, multi-function to single-function, indoor to outdoor, grand to tiny, SECC offers a wide selection of outstanding spaces that fit the requirements of your event.

Contact us now through our email at for detailed information, site check appointment, consulting, quotation, and more. 

Appreciate your voice

At SECC, we value every opinion!

We love to hear out your satisfaction and even dissatisfaction, your good and bad experiences that you have encountered at SECC.

If you are having any feedback, comments, suggestions to help us improve our services, please allow us to recognize via our official email